How to purchase model

This site is host on and use Paypal for payment gateway. You can use your Paypal account for buying models, models will delivery to your email's inbox.

Easy step to purchase model are : ​

  • Choose : choose model you want from list of models Purchase : Purchase model using your Paypal account by click "Add to Cart" button. Product will add into your cart. You can continue shopping by closing cart's page and when you finish shopping, 
  • Pay : After you finish shopping, Click at "Checkout" button in right hand of page. You will navigate to payment page, if you are not login to your Paypal account yet, there will be a form for you to login and after login successful then you can make a payment. 
  • Delivery : After payment complete, I will delivery a model to your email's inbox. 
  • Enjoy : Enjoy your model and if you have some problem, feel free to contact me